By Dr. Ben Fitzhugh, Professor,
U.W., and Director, Quaternary Research Center at U.W.
Our interdisciplinary research in the Kurils provides a portrait of changing Kuril settlement history that can be compared to that of maritime cultures around the North Pacific Rim, including those of the coasts of the Pacific Northwest. While North Pacific cultures from Japan to Oregon share many similarities in subsistence and lifestyle, the differences are also instructive. I will finish with some thoughts on how these comparisons may be relevant to issues of contemporary resource management and cultural resilience.
TIME: 7 pm to 9 pm
PLACE: Mountaineers Seattle Program Center, 7700 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115 in the Cascade Room
COST: FREE to members, $10.00 to non-members, $5.00 for Students (please renew membership for 2019 and these programs at and now through PayPal)
Refreshments provided (Please bring cookies/snacks to share with the beverages).