Yama, Washington: A 19th and early 20th Century Japanese Transnational Community on Bainbridge Island
Dr. Caroline Hartse and Professor Floyd Aranyosi, Olympic College
Dr. Caroline Hartse and Professor Floyd Aranyosi, Olympic College
As part of a collaborative, multi-organizational archaeology project, Olympic College is conducting an archaeological field school at the historic site of Yama and Nagaya, on Bainbridge Island. The 2016 field season (July and August) is the second year of this three year project. Come hear project representatives discuss the project and the findings of the 2016 season and plans for the future.
For more information about the Yama Project, please visit their website here:
For more information about the Yama Project, please visit their website here:
DATE: Friday, December 9th, 2016
TIME: 7 pm to 9 pm
PLACE: Mountaineers Seattle Program Center, 7700 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115 in the Cascade Room
COST: FREE to members, $10.00 to Non-members, $5.00 for Students, Seniors and Mountaineers members (please renew membership for 2017 and these programs at and now through PayPal)
Refreshments provided (Please bring cookies/snacks to share with the beverages).
TIME: 7 pm to 9 pm
PLACE: Mountaineers Seattle Program Center, 7700 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115 in the Cascade Room
COST: FREE to members, $10.00 to Non-members, $5.00 for Students, Seniors and Mountaineers members (please renew membership for 2017 and these programs at and now through PayPal)
Refreshments provided (Please bring cookies/snacks to share with the beverages).