Examples of retouched lithic tools from Eagle Gorge Terrace (a-r) and Tualdad Altu (aa-rr),
showing the strong morphological similarities between tools of the same functional type.
showing the strong morphological similarities between tools of the same functional type.
Eagle Gorge Terrace: An Upland Hunting Camp and its Place in the Economic Lives of the Precontact Puget Salish
By Dr. James C. Chatters
Applied Paleoscience
By Dr. James C. Chatters
Applied Paleoscience
Outside of the lowland rivers and saltwater margins of the Salish Sea, field camps of the Northwest Coast’s logistically organized foragers are extremely rare. Chronologically delimited occupations with faunal remains are even more so.
The Eagle Gorge Terrace site (45-KI-1083), located along the Green River in the foothills of the Cascade Range, is one such site—a hunting camp containing a specialized tool kit and a large collection of calcined (burnt) faunal remains dating to the sixth or seventh century AD. Analysis of this assemblage and comparison with the approximately contemporary nearby village of Tualdad Altu (45-KI-59) demonstrates that upland hunters used a discrete subset of their culture’s technology in a highly focused effort to process meat and hides from some of the region’s largest land mammals.
The Eagle Gorge Terrace site (45-KI-1083), located along the Green River in the foothills of the Cascade Range, is one such site—a hunting camp containing a specialized tool kit and a large collection of calcined (burnt) faunal remains dating to the sixth or seventh century AD. Analysis of this assemblage and comparison with the approximately contemporary nearby village of Tualdad Altu (45-KI-59) demonstrates that upland hunters used a discrete subset of their culture’s technology in a highly focused effort to process meat and hides from some of the region’s largest land mammals.
DATE: Friday, February 9th, 2018
TIME: 7 pm to 9 pm
PLACE: Mountaineers Seattle Program Center, 7700 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115 in the Cascade Room
COST: FREE to members, $10.00 to non-members, $5.00 for Students (please renew membership for 2018 and these programs at http://www.pnwas.org and now through PayPal)
Refreshments provided (Please bring cookies/snacks to share with the beverages).
TIME: 7 pm to 9 pm
PLACE: Mountaineers Seattle Program Center, 7700 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115 in the Cascade Room
COST: FREE to members, $10.00 to non-members, $5.00 for Students (please renew membership for 2018 and these programs at http://www.pnwas.org and now through PayPal)
Refreshments provided (Please bring cookies/snacks to share with the beverages).